British Executions

Harry Lewis

Age: 21

Sex: male

Crime: murder

Date Of Execution: 21 Apr 1949

Crime Location: 75 Furzecroft, George Street, Marylebone, London

Execution Place: Pentonville

Method: hanging

Executioner: Albert Pierrepoint


Harry Lewis murdered Harry Saul Michaelson 50 he he battered to death at 75 Furzecroft, George Street, Marylebone, London on 26 December 1948.

Harry Lewis was passing Harry Michaelson's basement flat around 5.15am when he noticed that the window was open which Harry Michaelson was in the habit of doing when he slept. Harry Lewis lept over the railings and got into the flat and started to look for money. However, he had woken Harry Michaelson up who got out of bed. Harry Lewis hid behind a door and when Harry Michaelson came near he hit him on the head with the chair twice.

Harry Michaelson managed to get out the door to his flat where he was helped by the porter who was on duty. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital where an operation was carried out to remove part of his skull bone that was pressing on his brain however he died the next day on 27 December.

When they took finger prints from the chair they identified Harry Lewis as a known criminal and arrested him on 18 January 1949.

At his trial he said that it was the hospital operation that had killed Harry Michaelson and not his assault.

see Criminal Calendar - Richard Harrison - 1951

see National Archives - MEPO 3/3036, HO 45/23946, PCOM 9/1248, CRIM 1/1978